Thursday, September 27, 2007

More on Sharing...

For those of you who actually read this blog, you may have seen my post on Sharing News Articles. It seemed like I had things going pretty well.

I could click on an article from my RSS reader and share it, or add a bookmark that was shared - and have them all published from one URL.

There was a comment about the fact that there are entire systems made for this - was mentioned.

Then I noticed that Paul's shares (the guy who actually figured this out - and never wrote it up) were coming up with comments and excerpts all of a sudden. So I asked him what he was doing. In the usual google way, they added another service - Shared Stuff.

Like tumblr it was made for sharing things. I still like the convenience of being able to just click in google reader, but now I can add comments too. Because of the setup that I described in my previous post, I just added my google shared stuff link to my shared link - and now it includes all three feeds.

1 comment:

Russelldad said...

"For those of you who actually read this blog"...

Are you kidding?!? I sit at my computer hitting refresh all day. Each time there isn't a new post a little bit of me dies... I mean I'm subscribed via Google Reader which is sort of the same thing.

Anywho... You did eventually guilt me into writing this up.