Friday, May 9, 2008

One Man's Junk...

A while ago, my wife and I bought a nice new microwave. We had one that was about 15 years old. It was huge, and ugly but it worked.

But we had been talking for a while about getting a smaller one, because we don't use it very often. So we went out and bought a $50 small microwave.

We figured we'd sell the old one on Craigslist or something, but never got around to it. My brother-in-law mentioned that my wife's parents could probably use it, because they have a microwave that is over 25 years old, and doesn't work. But they haven't replaced it because the countertop under it was never finished - and they didn't want to have a big unfinished space under it. So because our old one is huge (and works) its perfect for them.

Weird how everything can find a home...

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