I'm moving my blog here to blogger, because I'm slowly outsourcing our house's entire IT hosting operation.
At one point we ran our own DNS server, DHCP server, mail server, our own web server, our own photo gallery, etc. When I was right out of college and didn't have anything else to do it was fun, and I kinda enjoyed it. And it really made me learn the then newish technology linux.
As I started to get a bit older, and realize that there is life outside a computer, I got sick of having to upgrade, patch, tweak, and fix problems. This blog is one of the last things to leave. Here's a list of where things have gone, and the order they left:
- DNS Server - www.worldwidedns.net - dns hosting for not too much money
- DHCP Server - Linksys (WRT54G - not really outsourced, but I don't have to deal with it)
- Photo Gallery - flickr.com - great app - allows me to backup all our photos for like $20 per year, almost unlimited uploads, and a cool community where I can see other people's pictures
- Mail Server, Web Portal - Google Apps for My Domain - this was awesome. I could move everything over, and point my old domains to this one. I didn't have to worry about any more stuff.
- Blog - here!
There's still a few things that I take care of at home, and I'm looking for good solutions to move them to easier platforms, but I suspect that I will always run a server in the house for particular things:
- Hosted web applications - when I used to run a D&D campaign, we used GEAS to keep track of the campaign. A few other people have picked it up and have their campaign there. I'd have to figure out how to move it to a hosted wiki somewhere.
- File and Print Services - I like having the ability to ssh into my fileserver from both inside and outside the firewall - I'm tempted to get something like a Bufalo TeraStation, but it seems pretty expensive for less that what I can already do.
But we've moved a bunch of stuff already, and the blog is the most recent thing to go.